Hemochron Response

Hemochron Response

Quick Overview

Gold Standard ACT Tube technology provides confidence in results

Comprehensive point-of-care coagulation menu standardizes testing and improves efficiencies

Dual test well capabilities for heparin dosing protocols and improved patient management

Enhanced data management features to assist with regulatory compliance


Item HEMOCHRON® Response Coagulation Monitoring Instrument Features Results displayed as whole blood, plasma equivalent, or INR for PT assay only Store 600 patient tests per well Store Operator and Patient Identification Allows supervisor to create and lock OID table Create and store up to 9 User Notes Attach up to 2 User Notes per record Download results to a PC Uses bar coded tubes Internal printer 2 level Liquid Quality Control lockout 2 level Electronic System Verification lockout Stores 300 QC results per well Test Menu: Celite® Activated Clotting Time (ACT) Kaolin ACT Glass Activated ACT Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) Prothrombin Time (PT) Thrombin Time (TT) Heparin Neutralized Thrombin Time (HNTT) High Dose Thrombin Time (HiTT) Fibrinogen Protamine Dose Assay (PDAO) Approval US FDA Weight Inquire Memory Store 600 patient tests per well Store Operator and Patient Identification Create and store up to 9 User Notes Attach up to 2 User Notes per record Stores 300 QC results per well 

Diverse Customer Base

  • Hospitals
  • SurgeryCenters
  • Oncology Centers
  • Education Facilities
  • Home Care
  • Distributors


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